LED Tubes and Bulbs
LED Tubes and Bulbs

Lighting Upgrades

通过一站式效率商店®,您可以获得高达75%的项目成本的免费咨询和照明回扣, sponsored by Xcel Energy.

Sign up for a free energy assessment

Learn about limited-time bonus rebates


$7.6 million
in rebates awarded in 2023
40.3 GWh
saved in 2023
20,000 +
businesses served since 2000

Project support from start to finish.

Receive a free, no-obligation lighting assessment.

我们首先对您的灯具进行评估和盘点,以了解您的建筑的独特需求. As a nonprofit focused on energy efficiency, 我们的首要任务是帮助您降低运营成本并获得回扣, not selling LED lighting. 

Meet our team

Schedule your free lighting assessment


我们提供所有您需要的信息,为您的业务做出最明智的选择, including a lighting inventory, recommended upgrades, and estimated savings, rebates, and payback periods.


您的照明顾问将作为您和您的承包商之间公正的联络人, provide access to low-interest financing, and ensure the proper equipment is installed.

Relax and enjoy your new lights. We'll take care of the rebate paperwork.


More information about the program.

Xcel能源公司的商业电力客户在明尼苏达州的峰值需求高达400千瓦. Contact us at 612-244-2427 to confirm eligibility.

我们的照明顾问可以指导您完成多种类型的照明改造,以减少能源和维护成本, increase equipment life, improve aesthetics, and create a safe, 舒适的工作环境包括:

  • 用led取代旋入式灯泡和荧光灯管
  • 用led改造停车场和公共区域的照明
  • 在低流量区域安装日光控制和自动调光器
  • 减少维持或增加亮度所需的固定装置的数量
  • 用led改造室内照明,以提供一致的亮度和颜色

任何靠谱的外围竞猜app或非营利组织都可以从照明升级中受益. 营业时间较长的行业,如零售商, restaurants, hotels, banks, parking ramps, office buildings, bowling alleys, car dealerships, manufacturers, warehouses, 和养老院将通过升级到节能的LED照明来节省最大的能源.

我们是一个非营利组织,不销售或安装照明产品. The One-Stop Efficiency Shop, sponsored by Xcel Energy, 提供免费咨询服务和照明回扣,帮助靠谱的外围竞猜app通过经济高效的照明升级节省资金和能源. 

是的,我们将与任何承包商或电工合作. 我们的照明顾问还可以帮助您寻找和审查合格承包商的投标.

不,不一定需要购买新的灯具来升级到LED照明. 在许多情况下,可以保留现有的固定装置,而只升级灯具. 我们的照明顾问专门帮助您找到适合您的建筑和预算的解决方案.

有几笔赠款可以帮助明尼苏达州的靠谱的外围竞猜app和非营利组织支付LED照明升级的费用. Contact us at onestop@xxskjgcjingtai.com 了解您的组织是否有资格获得以下机会. 

Minneapolis Green Cost Share Program 

  • CEE与明尼阿波利斯市合作,为照明提供资助, HVAC, 以及为明尼阿波利斯的靠谱的外围竞猜app和非营利组织升级制冷设备 

  • 资助金额=成本的20% - 40%(最高10,000美元),再加上回扣 

  • Learn more 

CEE Grants and Loans for Minneapolis Neighborhoods 

  • CEE与明尼阿波利斯的几个社区协会合作,提供商业赠款(最高3美元),000) and loans with rates starting at 1% (up to $10,000) 

Edina Community Climate Action Fund

  • 适用于Edina商业和工业私人物业或多户(5个以上单位)
  • 50%的公用事业回扣匹配(高达2000美元),为靠谱的外围竞猜app升级到高效照明
  • Learn more

Richfield Energy Efficiency Grants 

  • 里奇菲尔德靠谱的外围竞猜app和非营利组织参与一站式效率商店或Xcel能源商业制冷项目 

  • 资助金额=项目总成本的20%(不超过2,500美元) 

  • Learn more 

St. Louis Park Climate Champions Cost Share Program 

  • Available to St. Louis Park businesses and nonprofits 

  • 参与者必须在项目开始之日起36个月内完成能源智能和一站式评估 

  • 资助金额= 50% - 75%公用事业回扣匹配(最高2,500元或3,500元) 

  • Learn more 

Energy Smart Grants for Businesses 

  • 适用于Xcel Energy和CenterPoint Energy营利性商业和工业客户 

  • 资助金额= 50% - 100%照明回扣匹配(最高3,000美元至10,000美元) 

  • Contact onestop@xxskjgcjingtai.com to learn more 

Hopkins Climate Solutions Fund

  • 可用于霍普金斯商业和多家庭物业
  • 资助金额=项目总成本的50% - 75%(最高12美元),500) for lighting upgrades, 50% - 75% total eligible utility rebate (up to $5,000) for HVAC or refrigeration upgrades
  • Learn more
Man replacing lighting

Resources for contractor partners.

过去20年来,承包商伙伴关系对我们的成功至关重要. 我们支持具有公正照明专业知识的承包商, customer referrals, and completion of rebate paperwork. 

Learn more about working with us